Introducing Tsk

· Nate Meyer's Blog

#dev-tools #programming

I've been working on my own task runner, tsk. I don't know how to pronounce it. I'm criminally terrible at naming things, so the best I could up come up with was just dropping the vowel from "task". Maybe it's an acronym? Who knows.

Anyway, it's a single binary without dependencies and uses TOML to describe tasks.

Here's the requisite "Hello, world!" example,

2env = {msg = "Hello, world!"}
3cmds = [
4  "echo $msg",

It's pretty simple and bare-bones but has a couple features that I think are neat.

# Opinionated support for scripts

I've shared my rambling thoughts on task runners recently and one of my points was including too much shell in a YAML/TOML/whatever task config was an anti-pattern.

tsk is opinionated about making it simple to connect a task and a script. When the cmd field is omitted, tsk will look for a script with the same name of the task in the scripts directory. So given the task definition,

2env = {msg = "Hello, world!"}

tsk will execute scripts/

# Dependency groups

Dependencies or prereqrusites are common features in task runners. What I haven't seen, but wanted, was the ability to express more complicated dependency ordering. In tsk, dependencies are other tasks expressed as nested lists. Tasks within a group run in parallel, while the groups run sequentially.

Example time! This task definition,

 2deps = [
 3  ["setup1", "setup2"], # setup1 and setup2 run in parallel
 4  ["setup3"],           # setup3 runs after the tasks in the previous group complete
 6cmds = ["echo 'running cmd...'"]
 9cmds = ["sleep 1", "echo 'doing setup1...'"]
12cmds = ["echo 'doing setup2...'"]
15cmds = ["echo 'doing setup3...'"]

produces the output,

1➜ tsk dep_groups
2doing setup2...
3doing setup1...
4doing setup3...
5running cmd...

tsk has been working well for me on small projects—I even use it to build and release tsk itself!